Snoring and Sleep Apnea Dental Treatment Center of Maine | General & Cosmetic Dentistry + Dental Sleep Medicine | 650 Brighton Avenue, Portland, Maine

Who We Are

The Snoring and Sleep Apnea Dental Treatment Center of Maine is located at 650 Brighton Avenue, Portland, Maine. Learn More ›

What We Do

The Snoring and Sleep Apnea Dental Treatment Center of Maine supports health care professionals and consumers interested in overcoming sleep apnea and snoring challenges.
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Looking for a Speaker?

Whether a doctor’s practice or a consumer group, Dr. Corwin would love to talk about how oral appliances can help people with sleep apnea. Call to arrange at 207.773.6331.

News Archives

Why Shouldn’t I Use an Over the Counter “Boil and Bite” Appliance?

Over the counter appliances have several important problems when compared to custom-fitted oral appliances:

  1. “Boil and bite” appliances are not adjustable so you cannot get the best result.
  2. “Boil and bite” appliances may stop snoring, but will mask the underlying sleep apnea, thus allowing the health threatening problems to continue. You will think you are better, but you will not be.
  3. Studies have shown that compliance with “boil and bite” appliances is poor when compared to custom appliances, thus reducing the effectiveness.
  4. “Boil and bite” appliances are not nearly as comfortable as custom fitted ones, due to their poor fit. This often leads to poor compliance and poor results.
  5. There is no professional supervision of a “boil and bite” appliance so the side effects go unattended, possibly resulting in permanent harm.
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Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Dental Treatment Center of Maine

Copyright © 2013-15 by Thomas Corwin DDS, FAGD, D. ABDSM. Snoring and Sleep Apnea Dental Treatment Center of Maine - All Rights Reserved
650 Brighton Avenue Portland, Maine 04102 | (207) 773-6331 | | Terms of Use | Web by 700acres